Kerrobert Recreation News – Nov. 10/2021
This past week has a been a time to show respect for Canada’s Fallen and those who have and continue to serve our county. It is so very inspiring to see the students and staff from Kerrobert Composite School participate in Remembrance projects and community members who purchase and wear poppies. The school raised $140 dollars in poppy sales and submitted over 75 poems, essays, and posters.
Covid Guidelines
The Government of Sask current Covid guidelines remain as follows :
1. Masks must be worn at all indoor public spaces unless:
a. Under 18 years who are actively eating, drinking or participating in sports.
b. Over 18 years who are actively eating or drinking AND sitting.
c. Over 18 on ice coaches who have shown proof of vaccination to their organization.
d. Over 18 years and organization has implemented a proof of vaccination or negative test requirement. This is up to each organization to monitor.
i. This includes the Kerrobert Tigers, the Kerrobert Ice Dawgs and the Mighty Ducks recreation hockey teams, the Kerrobert Curling Club, the Kerrobert Shuffle Club and the Walk this Way organization.
ii. Over 18 years must wear a mask during public skate time.
2. A proof of vaccination or negative test policy will be implemented for volunteer workers and public access to the Kerrobert Museum, Courtroom Gallery, Kerrobert Double Take Out Lounge and all public events held at the PCC. Children under the age of 12 are exempt from the proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.
Kerrobert Memorial Arena
Kindersley’s rink ice was lost last week resulting in Kerrobert picking up a Kindersley U15 Tournament. Our community benefits greatly from tournaments with not only our rink booth being busy but also other restaurants and businesses. Kindersley is expecting to have their ice back very soon. Be sure to check on the online calendar on the Town of Kerrobert website to see the current game schedule.
The Kerrobert Tigers are back for another exciting season! They are a major organization that is always in need of extra help. If you or your business is interested in getting involved in any way, please call the Rec Office and we will get you in touch with the right person. Thanks to the Kerrobert Kinsmen for helping out at the door, selling 50/50’s and working the bar for the first Tiger game!
If you are interested in joining the Men’s Curling, starting a Women’s league, a Mixed league, Seniors league, or Family league, we need to hear from you so we can find out the interest in running these programs. Please contact Mark Neumeier at 494-7356 or Brennan Murphy at 834-7044 or Drew Heidt at 834-7780 if you are interested in learning more.
Kerrobert Library, Courtroom Art Gallery & Museum
Members from all user groups in the Courthouse will be busy this month preparing for the Festival of Trees. If you are interested in helping decorate for the Christmas season, would like to decorate a tree, or wish to get involved call 834-7153 or (306) 602-9097 to find out more.
The Kerrobert Courthouse Restoration Society and Town of Kerrobert are still looking for donations to replace the front entrance stairs. THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far! For more information or to make a donation, contact the Town of Kerrobert at 834-2361.
Facility rates are reviewed once a year and this month the Recreation Board has reviewed both the PCC and the Pool rates. Although the recommendation from the PCC Board was to not increase rates for 2022, the Rec Board felt with a likely increase in energy rates and the fact that rates were not increased in 2021, we would recommend to Council an approximate 3% increase. The recommendation for the pool however was no increase to rates for the 2022 season due to our pool operating under budget this past season and ensuring we remain in line with surrounding communities’ prices. The extent of resources that the Town dedicates to recreation services should directly relate to the benefit to the community alongside the Towns ability to fund these services. The Recreation Board recognizes that we are responsible for properly managing taxpayers’ dollars AND keeping services affordable.
Kerrobert Football Association
The interest in football in Kerrobert is at an all time high with boys and girls ages 6 to 18 from Kerrobert, Luseland and Major playing in our community. The new Kerrobert Football Association was formed to keep football strong in our community for years to come ensuring kids stay physically active in a great sport. Their first major project will be to install power and lights at the KCS “Bowl” to allow for Friday Night light games and evening practises. If you are interested in learning more email
Programming and Events
Call the Recreation office at 834-2344 or 834-8355 for more information on the following:
• Walk this Way – every Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am to 11:00am at the PCC
• Shuffle Club – every Monday, 1:30pm at the PCC
• Recreation Hockey teams
• Public Skate and Shinny – check online calendar for more information
• Curling events – we will share more information soon! Be sure to call if you are interested!
• Winter Market – Nov. 17
• Festival of Trees – Dec. 2
• Town Christmas Party – Dec. 3
We are all in need of reconnection with others and with winter on the way, we should be planning ahead for ways to stay safe from Covid but ensure good mental and physical health. If you have an idea for programs needed in our community, we would love to hear from you. We are always looking for new ways to build a better community and for new people to get involved. Stay well friends, remember that “we are fighting a virus, not each other”.
Sask Health Line – 811
211 Saskatchewan – 211 (National Indian Residential School Crisis Line and other mental health services)
Farm Stress Line – 1-800-667-4442
West Central Crisis Center – 1-306-463-6655
West Central Crisis after hours – 1-306-463-1860 (24 hour line)
Kerrobert Food Bank – 834-5294 or 834-8292
Kerrobert KidSport – 834-2344
Recreation on call phone – 834-8355
Bobbi Hebron
Recreation Director