General Information
Pet Licenses are due at the beginning of each calendar year and payable not later than February 1st of each year.
As per Bylaw #959-10 the Fine for a First Offense of failure to license a dog or cat or dangerous animal is $200.00.
REMEMBER: Pets can’t talk or carry a wallet – a License gives your pet a Lifeline back to you!Yearly Fees
Non Spayed/Neutered Dog/Cat: $30.00 each
Spayed/Neutered Dog/Cat: $10.00 each
Declared Dangerous Animal: $500.00 each
No more than (3) Dogs or (3) Cats maximum OR a total of (5) animals. For more information please check Bylaw No. 1094-23
Please come into the Town Office during working hours to pay your pet license
Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For online payment options please call the town office at 306-834-2361
By Mail
Mail your cheques to:
The Town of Kerrobert
P. O. Box 558
Kerrobert, Sk.
S0L 1R0