Town of Kerrobert Handi Bus Information
The Town of Kerrobert is happy to provide transit service for the disabled in our community with the Handi Bus.
The Handi Bus is able to accommodate up to 14 passengers or if passengers are in wheelchairs, it can accommodate up to 5 wheelchairs.
Trips around town are available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for a $6 round trip.
Please find information about this service below:
- The HandiBus is used to transport passengers that have a disability (temporary or permanent) as part of a transportation program being funded under the Municipal Transport for the Disabled Assistance Regulations.
- The HandiBus is provided within the corporate limits, and within an area having a radius of
200 km from the corporate limits of the Town of Kerrobert (within Saskatchewan) for individual bookings provided an attendant travels with the passenger. - Upon availability of a transit driver, the Handi Bus can make a monthly scheduled trip to another community for no less than 6 passengers and up to 14 passengers plus 1 wheelchair passenger. (or a mixture of ambulatory passengers and up to 5 wheelchairs) Please contact the Town Office if you are interested in setting up a monthly trip for your organization or group. The cost would be as per out of town trips rates divided by the number of riders on the scheduled trip.
For Example:
Kindersley is 50 km away so round trip is 100 km = $100.00 plus number of hours for driver.
So if you are gone for 6 hours (The length of the trip is also a factor), the driver rate would be 6 x $15 = $90.00.
This particular trip would cost $190.00 divided by number of passengers. If there are 6 passengers the cost per passenger would be $31.67!
The Handi Bus can hold up to 14 passengers so if the bus was full, this trip would cost $13.58 per person! The more the merrier as well as less expensive.
The following are established as the Town of Kerrobert Handi Bus rates:
In Town:
$6.00 per passenger (return trip)
Available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (excluding all holidays)
Out of Town Trips up to a 200 km radius of Kerrobert and within Saskatchewan:
$1.00 per km (each way)
Trip radius to a maximum of 200 km of Kerrobert and within Saskatchewan.
$15.00 per hour for provided driver
Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays; if driver is available (excluding all holidays)