Bylaws & Bylaw Information
Bylaw & Act Information
The Municipalities Act authorizes municipalities to create and enforce bylaws to maintain the safety, health, welfare and protection of people and property in the community.
Introduction of a Bylaw
Every bylaw is introduced for a first time, and at first reading there is no debate on the bylaw. After first reading, bylaws that deal specifically with statutory documents such as the Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw under the Planning and Development Act 2007, and bylaws that introduce changes to an existing bylaw that affect the public are then advertised for a period of two full weeks.
Second & Third Readings and Enactment
After the two week advertising period, Bylaws dealing with statutory documents require a Public Hearing so residents affected by the change can speak for or against the proposed bylaw change. Following the Public Hearing, the bylaw is placed on the council agenda for second and third reading. At this time, council can debate the bylaw or ask for clarification on proposed changes. After third reading, the bylaw is passed and adopted, making it an enforceable document.
Viewing the Town of Kerrobert’s Bylaws
The Town of Kerrobert Bylaws are extensive and thorough documents that are available for reference by anyone and are available for viewing at the Town Office. Some of the most frequently requested bylaws are available farther down on this page.
If there is a bylaw that you require information on, please contact the Town Office.
Submit a Complaint
If you would like to make a complaint regarding a violation of a bylaw, please contact the Town office at (306) 834-2361.
Commonly Requested Bylaws
Please click on the links below to view the documents.
Animal Control & Amendment
Bylaw No. 970-11 Management & Administration of Water and Sewer Services
Bylaw No. 1047-19 Management of Solid Waste & Recyclables to Fix Rates
Zoning Bylaw & Amendments
Bylaw No. 995-14 Town of Kerrobert Zoning
Bylaw No. 1057-20 Removal of Snow Bylaw
Bylaw No. 1045-18 Fireplaces and Firepits
Bylaw No. 940-09 Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement Bylaw