Kerrobert Recreation News – Oct 6/2021
The weather continues to cooperate for outdoor sports and activities. KCS kids are participating in Cross Country running and as a former coach, I always admire and congratulate each participant for their perseverance and determination. The Step Up for Mental Health run/walk challenge also saw many local participants. This challenge supports mental health in Saskatchewan through registration dollars, plus a matching amount from Cameco. Thank you to those who got involved for inspiring us to stay active and to pay attention to our mental health. It’s also great to see the enthusiasm for all ages in the football program that is currently running. From Flag football to Sr. Rebels, the KCS Football Bowl has been a busy place and with record number of people in attendance for regular season.
Covid Guidelines
The Government of Saskatchewan has announced new guidelines including:
- Masks – The Recreation Department and Town facilities have reinstated mask wearing at indoor public spaces as per these new measures.
- Proof of Vaccination: Effective Oct. 1 a proof of vaccination or negative test policy will be implemented for public access to the Kerrobert Museum, Courtroom Gallery, Kerrobert Double Take Out Lounge and all public events held at the PCC. Children under the age of 12 are exempt from the proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.
Kerrobert Memorial Arena
We are open! The first game and first public skates have been great and we heard lots of positive comments on how bright the rink is with the bleachers being painted and the new lights installed as well as lots of excitement over our new Zamboni. People were also pleased with our new booth operators – John and Linda McKerchar, their new menu and their local help! Everyone wore masks and were excited to be back.
We are excited to offer a new service of online streaming at our arena. We are following the lead of (currently) 29 other Saskatchewan rinks who use this service and hundreds across Canada. We were able to view the AA U15 game from the past weekend and we were pleased with the quality. The game was blacked out to the public while we worked out some kinks. Later this week we will make all activity on the Kerrobert ice available for viewing. We encourage you to check out the Live Barn website to see if you would be interested in subscribing or learning more. If you subscribe you can save 10% by using our promo code : 3790-73m9. This is a new venture for us and we appreciate your patience while we learn how to operate it for our users. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Kerrobert Swimming Pool
The Kerrobert Recreation Board met recently to discuss our concerns of the potential of limited staff for the pool for the 2022 summer season. We are reviewing options to increase our staff numbers, one of which includes increasing the wage for all lifeguards. We know that this is an awesome summer job for kids ages 14+ and we welcome parents and teens to call us to find out more information. Without enough lifeguards we will be unable to offer the programs and lessons that we normally do.
Thanksgiving weekend gives us the opportunity to be thankful for all of our blessings. I hope that each of you are able to see past the Covid fog and the ugliness that can rear its head in Covid vaccination discussions; and instead, I hope you can focus on the blessings that our family, friends, community and this great country of Canada brings us. Remember that “we are fighting a virus, not each other”. Stay well friends and please be kind😊
Sask Health Line – 811
211 Saskatchewan – 211 (National Indian Residential School Crisis Line and other mental health services)
Farm Stress Line – 1-800-667-4442
West Central Crisis Center – 1-306-463-6655
West Central Crisis after hours – 1-306-463-1860 (24 hour line)
Kerrobert Food Bank – 834-5294 or 834-8292
Kerrobert KidSport – 834-2344
Recreation on call phone – 834-8355
Bobbi Hebron
Recreation Director