Kerrobert Recreation News – Jan 12/2022

Happy New Year from the Recreation Department!  January is always a very exciting time in Recreation as we reflect on the previous year, look for ways to improve and then plan and make goals for 2022.  The Recreation Board did not meet in January due to Covid concerns and holidays but the work continued and February will be an exciting meeting to approve the budget and get 2022 off to a roaring start!

Covid Guidelines

Public Health Measures

  1. Masks must be worn at all indoor public spaces.
  2. Proof of vaccination or negative test must be shown for volunteer workers and public access to the Kerrobert Museum, Courtroom Gallery, Double Take Out Lounge and all public events held at the PCC.  Children under the age of 12 are exempt from the proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.
  3. Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination or proof of negative test by Jan. 10/22 for Affected Persons who are registered with Hockey Saskatchewan.  Call Hockey Sask for more information as there are changes weekly.

Kerrobert Memorial Arena
Kerrobert Minor Hockey Day will be scaled back from its regular events to less games on Jan. 15th, but the weekend is full of local talent sure to provide great entertainment!  Kerrobert Recreation and the Town of Kerrobert are happy to donate the cost of ice to the Kerrobert Minor Hockey organization for Minor Hockey Day.  This agreement has been in place for many years as a way to show support for youth hockey.

KCS elementary students will begin curling practise at the rink this month and continue until the end of the season.  Currently there are no high school teams but we hope to see the interest increase.  The cost of the ice to offer this program is covered through Sask Lotteries.  Curling Rink ice bookings can be found on the online calendar on the Town of Kerrobert website under Recreation Calendars.  We are always open and available for private or group rentals.  There is no set date or plans yet for the Kerrobert Curling Club Men’s Bonspiel but it is typically held in early March.

Thank you to all those who contribute to the success of the curling rink by donating through on ice advertising, renting the facility or using/volunteering at the Double Take out Lounge.  With everyone’s support, we will keep the curling rink going for years to come.  Please contact Mark Neumeier at 494-7356, Brennan Murphy at 834-7044 or Drew Heidt at 834-7780 if you are interested in getting involved.

Kerrobert Library, Courtroom Art Gallery & Museum
The Kerrobert Library continues to offer many programming opportunities.  Stop in or call to check out their new books, the Librarian recommended reads, the very popular VoxBox, the snowman busy bags or join the Sugar and Spice Club and the Wheatland Winter Challenge being offered in January.  Mom & Tots is continuing to meet and we see great new friendships and connections being made.  This month they will meet on Jan. 12th and 26th at 3:00.

The Festival of Trees has been cleaned up by Courthouse Restoration Society.  Hats off to these volunteers to put on an incredible event that was enjoyed by so many in the month of December.  The Kerrobert Restoration Society continues to raise funds for the replacement of the front stairs at the Courthouse.  If you are interested in learning more or donating, call the Town of Kerrobert at 834-2361.


Kerrobert Football Association
The Kerrobert Football Association is running a major project to install power and lights at the KCS “Bowl”.  This month they have sent out a detailed letter as to how you can donate to this project.  If you are interested in learning more or donating email


Prairieland Community Center
We have recently received many calls for bookings for later on in 2022 as people are excited to get back to events and celebrations.  Please check the online calendar to see what is happening or what weekends are available.  This week we did a clean out, organization, inventory and labelling of the kitchen cupboards to help us keep track of when items go missing or are damaged.  The hall has a capacity for 464 people so we try to keep our kitchen stocked with enough settings to accommodate a meal for 425 people.


Kerrobert Swimming Pool
This week we received news that Red Cross has decided to wind down their involvement in swim and lifeguard training across Canada in order to direct more attention to humanitarian demands such as disaster and pandemic response and opioid harm reduction.  This means that the Lifesaving Society will be the primary contact regarding water safety.  This comes as welcome news as the Lifesaving Society is an amazing organization to work with however, it will cause some minor disruption to the Kerrobert Swimming Pool.  We will need to work with our guards to update their training if necessary and we will be required to offer the Lifesaving Swim Lessons instead of the Red Cross lessons.   Parents can be assured that previous lessons will easily convert and we encourage our guards not to worry as we will help walk them through this process.  And lastly, we encourage teens to start their lifeguard training at the Kindersley pool as they offer courses this month and into February.


Programming and Events
If you have an event or celebration planned for 2022, let the Recreation office know!  There is so much excitement planned for later this year and if we work together we can make our events exceptional and ensure that there is no double up dates.  Call the Recreation office at 834-2344 or 834-8355 for more information on the following (events subject to change) :

  • Walk this Way – every Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am to 11:00am at the PCC
  • Shuffle Club – every Monday, 1:30pm at the PCC
  • Recreation Hockey teams – call the Recreation office if you are interested in joining!
  • Public Skate and Shinny – check online calendar for more information
  • Curling events – Be sure to call if you are interested!
  • March 21 – Credit Union Annual Supper
  • March 26 – Ducks Unlimited Supper
  • April 9 – Spring Market
  • April 11 – 14 – Kerrobert Music Festival
  • April 23 – Wildlife Supper (tentative)
  • May 1 – Siebens School of Dance
  • June 30 – KCS Graduation Ceremony
  • Nov. 3 – 5 – Prairieland Players Dinner Theater

Omicron has created concern but we see smart choices being made in our community and in our province to help reduce risks, to keep kids in school and to keep people active.  This includes picking up and using the rapid test kits from the Town Office, wearing masks, staying home when sick and postponing major events for a later date.  I believe the best thing we can do to reduce Covid fatigue is to be kind – be kind online, be kind on the street, be kind to your vaccinated and unvaccinated friends and family, be kind to those who are isolated.  This pandemic WILL END and we need these relationships when it’s over.  If you have it in you, be super kind.  Show others how it’s done.

Bobbi Hebron
Recreation Director



Kerrobert HandiBus
The Kerrobert Handibus operates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those who are in need of transportation and have a disability (temporary or permanent).  The HandiBus operates within Kerrobert and within 200 km from the corporate limits of the Town of Kerrobert.  It will also make a monthly scheduled trip to a community, for no less than six people, upon availability of a driver.  The rates are $6/passenger for in town trips.  Please call the Town office for more information at 834-2361.

Important Phone Numbers
West Central Crisis Center – 1-306-463-6655
West Central Crisis after hours – 1-306-463-1860 (24 hour line)
Kerrobert Food Bank – 834-2376
Kerrobert Handibus – 834-2361 OR 834-7464
Kerrobert KidSport – 834-2344
Recreation on call phone – 834-8355